That’s a crime you’re committing & if you get caught it can cost you a lot. If you download pirated content from Filmyzilla or sites like that, please stop. Downloading from Filmyzilla can cost you a lot Just to give you an idea, the Indian movie industry lost an estimated amount of 18000 crores last year just because of piracy. The figures are actually way higher than what you’re probably thinking of. Finally, the makers of the movie end up making way less money & loss in any industry is bad for it. This results in lower sale figures for the tickets of that movie. So, whenever sites like Filmyzilla upload a hall-print or HD version or something like that, a huge number of the potential theater watchers of the movie, download the media from there. Right now it takes several months from its release before, a movie is authorized to stream on a legal website or to appear on a TV channel. Whenever a movie appears online days after it was released in theaters, there is absolutely no way for it to be legal. How does Filmyzilla affect the movie industry & how much?

But, were you aware of the fact that it is illegal? We believe that the majority of the people who download content from these kinds of websites, don’t have a clue about them being illegal. Maybe you have already used Filmyzilla to download movies or stuff like that or maybe you’ve heard of it before.

Were you aware of the fact that Filmyzilla is illegal For Latest Full Movie Download

It’s called Filmyzilla & it’s one of the big players in the game. Today I’m here to warn you about one pirated website specifically. But, with proper education & keeping ourselves away from the temptation of piracy can be just the way we’re looking for.

So, keeping piracy away seems kind of impossible right now. It’s not like, piracy wasn’t there in the past but, right now, there is more accessible internet & also thousands of new options are appearing every day. These days Piracy is like cancer for the movie industry.